Melodiuos Warbler at Marsh Lane

Friday 19th June 2015 Melodious Warbler - posing nicely I travelled to the West Midlands this afternoon to meet up with Paul Fitzgerald and do a bit of a twitch. After eight days, the singing male MELODIOUS WARBLER at Marsh Lane, near Hampton in Arden, was thankfully still present. A very obliging bird, and regularly singing its incredibly varied song, it was a real joy to observe. Further interest was provided by a Hobby overhead and a Painted Lady . It favoured a perch near the top of the foliage Singing for quite extended periods - the song full of mimicry What a beauty The MW favours these bushes, along the bridleway east of the A452 at GR SP227803, south of Mill Covert: Habitat view After having our fill, Paul took me to the fantastic nearby Marsh Lane Nature Reserve. The best bird here was a summer-plumaged Black-necked Grebe , present for its second day on Railway Pool. We had to avoid parking in the car park as a Little Ringed Plover pair h...