More Waxwings

Saturday 15th December 2012 The dove-grey cladding of GL1 makes for a pleasing backdrop Since 1st when I saw my first WAXWINGS of the season, I have been lucky to see many more. On 8th, four flying overhead at c8.30am whilst I was standing in my garden were a garden tick. Later that morning Andy found c40 at Rea Bridge, and I arrived on my bicycle just as they took to the air and flew north. Then on the morning of 12th, a work colleague told me she had seen 6-8 along Bruton Way near GL1. I had seen these birds on the way to work earlier, though couldn't be 100% sure of the ID at the time as I had been driving past, and wasn't able to check myself during the day. On 13th I checked the area, and 18 were present, coming to feed on small Rowan trees on the central reservation between Asda and GL1. The birds were competing with four Blackbirds and later three Wood Pigeons for the dwindling berry supply. At lunchtime on 14th eight were present, and later Mike saw around ...