Quail and Corn

Friday 27th May 2011 At Hawling this afternoon at least two Quail were calling in the wheat field south of Roel Hill Farm near the Windrush Way at SP061243, also seven Corn Buntings (above), several Chimney Sweeper moths and a Broad-bodied Chaser nearby. Chimney Sweeper: Later at the Bill Smyllie Butterfly reserve at Prestbury Hill, a pair of Marsh Tits were feeding recently-fledged young, also seen two Tree Pipits and c10 Swifts. On the Lepidopteral front, four Dingy Skippers and several Common Blues were the butterfly highlight, and I must must have seen around 80 Five-spot Burnet moths, plus two Mother Shiptons . Dingy Skipper: Five-spot Burnets: Mother Shipton: