Lots of Garden Thrushes and another Hawfinch

Thursday 1st - Friday 2nd March 2018 One of 18 garden Fieldfares A different male Hawfinch arrived on the garden bird table on Thursday morning at 8.20am just as I was leaving for work and as it was snowing. The line of pale markings on the shoulder distinguishes this male from Tuesday's bird Dwarfing this Chaffinch On Friday I worked at home having decided not to venture out in the thick snow. The apples I put out created a frenzy among visiting Fieldfares , no less than 18 of them. Two or three of them, and one in particular, spent an awful amount of time trying to defend the apples and very very aggressive towards not only the other Fieldfares but anything else that posed a threat including seven Redwings , two Blackbirds , and a Song Thrush which were tolerated in the main as long as they sat quietly at a safe distant. Othe birds in the garden included a male Great Spotted Woodpecker , nine Wood Pigeons , 37 Chaffinches (but no Bramblings yet!), 14 Greenfi...