Cambridgeshire Visit and Local Sightings

Sunday 30th April - Sunday 14th May 2017 Black Tern, WWT Slimbridge, 6th May On 30th April I went with the West Midlands Bird Club to Cambridgeshire. The first stop was at RSPB Fowlmere where it was great to see and hear two Turtle Doves . By the time we arrived at the second stop, Paxton Pits, it was apparent that there had been an influx of Black Terns in the country, and one was reported at Paxton. There was unfortunately no sign of it, although the sight of up to 30 Common Terns was nice to see. I also dipped on Nightingale here but the numbers of warblers, especially the large number of Garden Warblers maintained interest. I eventually caught up with Black Term at WWT on 6th May. Garden Warbler, Paxton Pits A visit to Edge Common on 7th May produced three Duke of Burgundy butterflies and a few Dingy Skippers plus some Common Twayblade coming in to flower. Duke of Burgundy, Edge Common, 7th May Dingy Skipper, Edge Common, 7th May Duke of Burgundy, E...