Stilts, Ouzels and a Firecrest

Saturday 1st - Saturday 29th April 2017 Black-winged Stilt, WWT, 23rd April Three BLACK-WINGED STILTS showed extremely well from Robbie Garnett hide at WWT on 23rd. They turned up during the week and I was glad they had the manners to stay until the weekend. A Little Gull on the Rushy and a Grasshopper Warbler at Middle Point completed a good morning. Black-winged Stilt, WWT, 23rd April Black-winged Stilts, WWT, 23rd April Little Gull, WWT, 23rd April Forward to today, Saturday - a redhead Smew remains on the Rushy, and was giving good views. The best birds at Middle Point at high tide was a Whinchat , three Wheatears , two Grasshopper Warblers , a Bar-tailed Godwit , a Common Sandpiper and a flyover Yellow Wagtail . It was quiet at Saul Warth earlier before the tide, the highlights being six Whimbrels and three Wheatears including a Greenland type. Smew, WWT, 29th April Yesterday after work I spent nearly two hours on Cleeve Common before finally trackin...