Signs of Spring

Sunday 12th - Monday 12th March 2017 Garganey, Ashleworth Ham, 18th March At least three Garaganey turned up in the county last week, and after dipping at WWT Slimbridge in the morning, I stopped off at Ashleworth Ham on the way back from Kempley to check out this fine drake above. My first Sand Martins of the year, c80, were at Frampton Court Lake earlier. I had been to Kempley in the afternoon with Linda for our annual fix of Wild Daffodils around Kempley. I don't think I have ever seen them looking as good. Wild Daffodils on the roadside near Kempley Haind Park Wood Along the canal locally, Sweet Violets have been coming into flower. The white form predominates here over the 'standard' purple form. Sweet Violet, Hardwicke Sweet Violet, white form On 12th March, a second summer Mediterranean Gull was on South Lake, at WWT, acquiring its black summer hood. Mediterranean Gull, WWT A Black Swan was also at WWT on 12th March, near the centre,...