Mainly Insects

22nd - 31st July 2016 Roesel's Bush-cricket, Lower Rea, 29/7/16 A post of largely insects from the last couple of weeks starts with this Roesel's Bush-cricket above, found at Lower Rea, Quedgeley, on 29th July whilst looking in vain for Andy's Grasshopper Warbler. Also locally, the highlights of a Wider Countryside Butterfly Survey on 24th at Hardwicke included several Essex Skippers . Essex Skipper, Hardwicke, 24/7/16 Some recent garden hoverflies include those below, including several sightings of the big one, Volucella zonaria , which I have also seen recently along the canal tow-path. Volucella zonaria, garden, 22/7/16 Syritta pipiens, garden, 30/7/16 Eristalis arbustorum, garden, 3/8/16 Myathropa florea, garden, 3/8/16 Other recent Hoverfly sightings include Leucozona glaucia at Edge Common, another distinctive species. Leucozona glaucia, Edge Common, 30/7/16 Helophilus hybridus, NT Lacock Abbey, 31/7/16 Dasysyrphus albostriatus, ...