February Highlights

Saturday 6th - Sunday 28th February Great Grey Shrike, Crabtree Hill The first trip of the month was to the Cotswold Water Park with Mark, and a long walk (nearly 6 miles) covering several pits looking for Smew. It hasn't been a good winter for Smew and we drew a blank, but year-ticked Goosander , Goldeneye and Red-crested Pochard . Little Gull, Tack Piece, WWT The next morning I spent at WWT Slimbidge. After a quiet couple of hours I was just leaving via the shop and happened to see Martin and Neil. They told me there was a Little Gull on the Tack Piece, so I headed straight there in time to see it. A Bar-tailed Godwit , which I had thus far missed, was also on the Tack Piece with the Black-tailed Godwits , so that was a nice bonus. I've seen the Barwit a couple of times since on South Lake. Bar-tailed Godwit, South Lake, WWT Bar-tailed Godwit, South Lake, WWT The last two Saturday mornings I have spent carried out Winter Random Square Surveys. Last Saturd...