CWP, Frampton, Sharpness & WWT

Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th January 2015 Siberian Chiffchaff, Shorncote, CWP Saturday morning I visited the Cotswold Water Park but confined my time to Shorncote, one of the last few parts of CWP I still enjoy visiting. Not one but two SIBERIAN CHIFFCHAFFS were present along the stream, along with up to a dozen common Chiffchaffs . Also seen, a Water Rail (others heard), two Cetti's Warblers (another heard), a Grey Wagtail and a Stonechat . Siberian Chiffchaff - the same bird as the top photo - I didn't get a good shot of the other one Male Black Redstart, Sharpness Female Scaups from Robbie Garnnett hide, WWT On Sunday I spent the morning with Andy and Mark, starting at Frampton. A Tawny Owl was the highlight. At Sharpness a male Redstart was showing well. At WWT the highlights were two female Scaup on the Tack Piece, where I also counted c120 Black-tailed Godwits and the White-fronted Goose flock were present along with the five Greenland White-front...