Marsh Sandpiper at Frampton-on-Severn

Thursday 28th - Saturday 30th August 2014 Marsh Sandpiper (right) with Greenshank Now, I do like a nice rarity, especially a county first, so the brilliant find on Thursday by Martin of a juvenile MARSH SANDPIPER at Frampton was very welcome. Being on leave for the week, I was able to get to see the bird quite quickly; and returned for second and third helpings during its stay. It was always a bit distant so photography was a struggle, but it was a joy to watch this elegant wader feed among the Greenshanks and Ruffs . Pic taken Thursday morning Marsh Sandpiper with Ruff and Greenshank Phone-scoped pic On Sunday (31st) I visited Clevedon Court and was amazed at the number of dragonflies on the wing, mainly Migrant Hawkers , but also Common Darters and Ruddy Darters . I counted 11 Migrant Hawkers resting together at one location in the gardens and whilst it is hard to estimate the total number present it must have been in the order of 30 - 40. I also saw a Brimston...