Dragons and Spotted Flies

Saturday 17th - Sunday 18th May 2014 Four-spotted Chaser, Woorgreens FOD A catch up from the weekend is due. Saturday's highlights were Firecrests in the forest plus lots of dragonflies emerging and recently emerged at Woorgreens, with several Broad-bodied Chasers and a few Four-spotted Chasers . Broad-bodied Chaser, Woorgreens FOD Sunday at Hidcote Manor Garden produced at least two Spotted Flycatchers around the Lily Pond area, also a couple of pairs of mating Azure Dameselflies I couldn't see any Great Crested Newts in the pond, but there were several Smooth Newts and also some Acilius sp. aquatic beetle larvae. Also the magnificent Handkerchief Tree, Davidia involucrata , was in full flower, near the shop. Spotted Flycatcher, Hidcote Spotted Flycatcher, Hidcote, this male was singing frequently Acilius sp . larva, Hidcote Handkerchief Tree. Hidcote