Red-flanked Bluetail - Again

Sunday 9th March 2014 I spent this morning back at Shire Valley near Marshfield to see the wintering RED-FLANKED BLUETAIL again; it was most pleasant to spend more time with this bird in the lovely warm sunshine. A 'few' more photos below: This Red-tailed Bumblebee was also at Shire Valley: Also nice to see lots of Brimstone and a few Peacock butterflies, and several Buff-tailed Bumblebees around Shire Valley; and a few Brimstones in the garden back at home. Yesterday I managed to catch up with the Spoonbill at WWT, and a very smart adult Mediterranean Gull was on South Lake also two sinensis types among the Cormorants ; a male Kingfisher at South Finger was a county year tick, as was a singing Chiffchaff near Martin Smith hide. Adult Mediterranean Gull, WWT South Lake Male Kingfisher, WWT South Finger Sinensis Cormorant, WWT South Lake Last Saturday (1st) I saw four Smew at pit 43/65 i...