Flowers and Birds

Saturday 27th - Sunday 28th April 2013 Pasqueflower, Barnsley Warren With Mike at Coombe Hill Meadows the GREAT WHITE EGRET was still present Saturday morning, but always distant towards the Long Pool. Also three Yellow Wagtails , including a stunning male, a Pied Wagtail and a White Wagtail , three Tufted Ducks (2m, 1f), three Shelducks , five Common Sandpipers , two Redshanks , two Curlews , 10+ Lapwings , a Little Egret , two Swallows , and along the canal two Lesser Whitethroats , plus Whitethroats , Willow Warblers , Chiffchaffs , and Sedge Warblers . Pasqueflower, Barnsley Warren Later my attention turned to botany with a visit to Barnsley Warren to see the Pasqueflower display, and then to North Meadow, Cricklade (Wilts) for the Snake's Head Fritillaries . The Pasqueflowers are just coming to their peak and looking superb. I left it too late last yer and they had all gone over, so it was nice to see them in flower. I also noted a Wheatear here and c10 Linnets...