Bittern and Water Pipit and a Surprise

Saturday 12th January 2013 The Bittern on the WWT Top New Piece reed-bed, giving a brief full-body view At the second attempt this year the Bittern finally showed for me at WWT Slimbridge. Thankfully Mark and I didn't have to wait long, and it even came out into the open for a short time. Around 10 Gadwall on South Lake were a another year tick. A more typical view this morning, but we could see it for most of the time we were in Zeiss Hide - around an hour Head-on view Later the Water Pipit was at Berkeley Pill, and a Stonechat was a just south of the mouth of the pill. We found a Jack Snipe too, which was very welcome after not seeing on at all in 2012. Other birds here included seven Common Snipe , c20 Meadow Pipits , six Skylarks , a Redshank , two Ravens and a Great Black-backed Gull on the river. Andy had found an apparently injured Grey Partridge in a tree by the canal back at Quedgeley earlier, near Rea Bridge car park. We went to check it out on the...