Norfolk Excursion

Friday 16th - Saturday 17th November 2012 Black-bellied Dipper at Thetford I spent a fantastic couple of days in Norfolk on Friday and Saturday with Mark, basing ourselves in Sheringham. Our adventure started at Thetford on Friday morning, where the BLACK-BELLIED DIPPER was showing well by the old Bridge Pub, a cracking bird and a first for us both. Little Auk at Cley We then headed for NWT Cley Marshes. Highlights on the main reserve included a Marsh Harrier and 1000+ Brent Geese (all the Brents we saw were the Dark-bellied form). The star bird I found at the beach though, a LITTLE AUK , which was feeding close in for most of the time; also a lifer for us. Also Red-throated Divers , a Razorbill , a flock of c200 Chaffinches came in off the sea containing at least one Snow Bunting , six Blackbirds flew in off the sea and immediately landed behind the beach, plus two Grey Seals . Little Auk again A further view of the Little Auk It was then time to head for t...