Warblers, Wheatears & other Local Wildlife

Saturday 21st & Sunday 22nd April 2012 Chiffchaff, north of Parkend Bridge, Moreton Valence A bike ride this morning produced my first Common Whitethroats of the year; one at Longney and other near home next to the canal. Two Willow Warblers and a Sedge Warbler were between Sellars Bridge and Parkend Bridge plus numerous Chiffchaffs and Blackcaps . Four Swallows and a Sand Martin were at the latter canal bridge. Willow Warbler, north of Parkend Bridge, Moreton Valence Not much to report from yesterday's high tide at Saul Warth, just one Common Tern and a couple of Swallows were the only migrants, and five Wheatears were at Hock Ditch, all males, three with rings (photos below) . This ringed bird has extensive peach colouring below suggesting Greenland ssp. Immature bird I photographed some Hoverflies in the garden in the afternoon, noting Eristalis pertinax ('Drone Fly' - male bee mimic), Syrphus vitripennis and the much smaller E...