Recent Sightings

Sunday 14th - Sunday 28th February 2010 A bit of a catch-up this. Today at WWT I finally saw the female Ring-necked Duck which I had just about given up on, after missing its earlier showings; thanks to Rich Tyler for pointing it out this morning on the Long Ground Pool. I got the other American duck on Friday, the Green-winged Teal , which was showing on the Top New Piece from Zeiss Hide at 4:40pm. In the garden, up to five Lesser Redpolls continue to visit the feeders (above and below) as do male and female Blackcaps and at least one female Great Spotted Woodpecker . Other recent highlights have been: Sunday 14th A circular walk from Longborough to Bourton-on-the-Hill produced a nice little party of four Tree Sparrows at the top of Bean Hill, Longborough. A pair of Ravens were in Sezincote gardens. It was a great walk, but did mean I missed the aforementioned RND which meanwhile had been giving close views at WWT. Monday 15th An early flying visit to WWT hoping to see the RND ...