Brandon Marsh

Sunday 29th June 2008 I spent the day at Brandon Marsh , in between taking my youngest daughter and some friends to Drayton Manor. Brandon Marsh, near Coventry in Warwickshire, is always a good day out and with the birding typically quiet for late June, insects and flowers were the main interest. Bird highlights included plenty of singing warblers still with Blackcap , Whitethroat , Willow Warbler , Chiffchaff , Reed Warbler and Cetti's Warbler all in evidence, plus several pairs of breeding Common Terns with young, two Green Sandpipers , two Redshanks , four Oystercatchers and a Ringed Plover . Insect highlights included Common Blue , Azure and Blue-tailed Damselflies , Black-tailed Skimmer , a Beautiful Carpet moth, Comma , Ringlet and Meadow Brown butterflies and the hover-fly Volucella pellucens . Botanical interest included Common Spotted Orchid , Fringed Water-lily , Common Centaury , Marsh Thistle and Marsh Woundwort . (Photos, from the top: Azure Damselfly, Beau...