Tuesday 30th September 2014
Pisaura mirabilis (Nursery Web Spider) - quite a few of these around at the moment |
As I contemplate the repair estimate for my scope - an accumulation of
wear and tear culminating in a fault on the focusing - my attention has
turned of late to Spiders. My curiosity has been sparked by Collins
Field Guide: Spiders - Britain and Northern Eurpoe, a recent birthday
gift, and a desire to try and identify the local Araneae (a low-scoring
scrabble word that). The author, Michael J. Roberts, isn't big on common
names, but I've included here those used elsewhere. I must add, it is
an excellent book. Anyway, here are a few pics from the garden and local
Pisaura mirabilis (Nursery Web Spider) |
Pardosa amentata (Spotted Wolf Spider) - several in the canal area but I haven't yet seen one in the garden |
Meta segmentata (Autumn Spider), male (left) and female (right) |
Meta segmentata (Autumn Spider), male |
Salticus scenicus (Zebra Spider) - only around 6mm long |
Zygiella x-notata (Silver-sided Sector Spider) - this one tends to hide in the corner of window frames |
I've also seen a few of these recently -
Dark Bush-crickets, one in the garden and several around the canal-side vegetation:
Dark Bush-cricket |
And a couple of local moths I've spotted, the first two in the garden, the third one near the canal:
Light Brown Apple Moth, Epiphyas postvittana - originally an Australian species - one or two in the garden recently |
Beautiful Plume, Amblyptilia acanthadactyla, I've seen a couple of these in the garden too |
Common Nettle-tap, Anthophila fabriciana, near the canal |