Sunday 23rd June 2013
Green-winged Teal, WWT Slimbridge |
I have recently returned from a week in Scotland, on Skye and Islay, so will post a report with some photos soon. I popped down to WWT Slimbridge this morning for a couple of hours
ahead of a family do for my youngest daughter Tansy's 21st (which is actually tomorrow). I was please to see the drake
GREEN-WINGED TEAL had reappeared on the Rushy, in the company of a drake Eurasian
Teal. Lots of action too from the three pairs of nesting
Avocets. At least one pair was seen removing eggshells earlier. There was frequent interaction with the
Shelduck parties, continually squabbling.
Burnt Orchid, Clattinger Farm |
On Friday evening I was out Cirencester way so stopped off for a walk at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust's Clattinger Farm.
Burnt Orchids are in full flower and can be seen in a roped-off area. Lots of other orchids in flower here including
Green-winged (almost gone over),
Southern Marsh, and
Common Spotted. Also a few which could possibly be hybrid Early AMarsh x Common Spotted - I would welcome any comments from someone with a more expert eye.
Southern Marsh Orchid, Clattinger Farm |
Green-winged Orchid, Clattinger Farm |
Common Spotted Orchid, Clattinger Farm |
Possible Early Marsh x Common Spotted Orchid ? |