
Sunday 23rd January 2011

Some photos here of the WWT Pink-footed Goose, which flew in very close to the Holden Tower late morning with a couple of Greylag Geese. The less advanced first-winter male Scaup was the only Scaup of any kind on the Rushy this morning. bit there was masses of birds on the Tack Piece, including many White-fronted Geese, Wigeon, and Dunlin, plus a couple of Ruff. Watching the Dumbles for the Marsh Harrier of perhaps Merlin produced only four Buzzards in terms of raptors by 11.30am.
Final approach, flaps down:

Nice close view:

That's almost too close - but a nice aerial view!:

In the garden, a female Brambling was visiting the feeders for a second day, and a Siskin was also making use of the local dining facilities.


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