Moreton Valence
Thursday 17th May 2007
On a beautiful, warm evening, I strolled around Parkend Bridge, stopping near on the way Haresfield to photograph the Swallows. Around the canal there was a large number of Grouse-wing Caddis Flies Mystacides longicornis which I managed to capture in flight on a pretty fast shutter speed (1/3200 sec). I watched a pair of Pied Wagtails taking food to a nearby nest, and two Common Terns flew south along the canal. (photos of male Pied Wagtail, Caddis Fly and male Swallow: © Paul Masters).
On a beautiful, warm evening, I strolled around Parkend Bridge, stopping near on the way Haresfield to photograph the Swallows. Around the canal there was a large number of Grouse-wing Caddis Flies Mystacides longicornis which I managed to capture in flight on a pretty fast shutter speed (1/3200 sec). I watched a pair of Pied Wagtails taking food to a nearby nest, and two Common Terns flew south along the canal. (photos of male Pied Wagtail, Caddis Fly and male Swallow: © Paul Masters).